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SSC>Technological standards>Summary of Technological standards
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Summary of Technological standards

Search Name TP TP category

TP category Marking TP Name TP Download TP TP efficiency from Previous text TP
bridges TP 001 Asphal bridge ending
[PDF, 529 kB] apríl 2002 TP 03/2002
roadway TP 002 Catalogue of road construction for axle weight 115 kN
[PDF, 377 kB] 20.12.2017 TP 002: 2002
(TP 04/2002)
bridges TP 003 Forecast of defect impact on bridge capacity and remaining lifespan estimate
[PDF, 312 kB] apríl 2002
roadway TP 004 Pre-crushed aggregate used in non-agglutinated layers of road construction
[PDF, 220 kB] 01.12.2018 TP 004: 2002
(TP 06/2002)
roadway TP 005 Rapid visual screenings by VIDEOCAR device. Operation and evaluation
[PDF, 685 kB] október 2002
bridges TP 006 Hodnotenie statických dôsledkov porúch mostov z prefabrikovaných nosníkov „Vloššák“
apríl 2003 TP006
planning and design of roads TP 007 Roundabouts designed on road and local communications
Amendment No.1
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 117.
[PDF, 807 kB]
[PDF, 153 kB]

bridges TP 008 Subsurface bridge endings
[PDF, 436 kB] 15.11.2004 TP 06/2004
planning and design of roads TP 009 Digital documentation of road network communications. Part 1: Construction and take over requirements
Digital documentation of road network communications. Part 2: Archiving and maintenance
[PDF, 1,4 MB]
[PDF, 247 kB]
road equipment TP 010 Taffic barrier on land routes
Dodatok č. 1
[PDF, 1,3 MB]
[PDF, 324 kB]
01.06.2019 TP 011/2005,
TP 010/2005,
USM 01/2013
traffic signs TP 012 Použitie zvislých a vodorovných dopravných značiek na pozemných komunikáciách
TP SSC 01/2000
traffic signs TP 013 Vertical and horizontal traffic signs evaluation system
[PDF, 388 kB] 30.09.2005
traffic signs TP 014 Quality plan for the application process of horizontal traffic signs in compliance with STN P ENV 13459-2
[PDF, 304 kB] 30.09.2005
traffic signs TP 015 General principles of retroreflex traffic button use on land routes
Amendment No.1
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 117.
[PDF, 332 kB]
[PDF, 1,6 MB]

tunnels TP 016 Catalogue of tunnel defects on land routes
[PDF, 1,5 MB] 15.09.2005
planning and design of roads TP 017 Drainage design on land routes
[PDF, 1,2 MB] 02.05.2005
planning and design of roads TP 018 Zásady navrhovania prvkov upokojovania dopravy na úsekoch cestných prieťahov v obciach a mestách
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 117.
[PDF, 6,38 MB] 01.06.2019 TP 018/2005 + Amendment No.1
č. 1/2006
planning and design of roads TP 019 Documentation of road construction
Komentár k TP 019
[PDF, 16 MB]
[PDF, 793 kB]
15.01.2007 TP SSC 08/2002
tunnels TP 020 Tunnel terminilogy
[PDF, 572 kB] 01.12.2006
tunnels TP 021 Equipment classification. Part 1: Cyclic blocking
[PDF, 6,56 MB] 01.12.2016 TP 021: 2006
(TP 06-1/2006)
tunnels TP 022 Subsurface constructions. Part 2: Continual blocking
[PDF, 864 kB] 01.12.2006
road equipment TP 023 Use, quality and evaluation system of traffic and parking devices
[PDF, 2,6 MB] 01.06.2019 TP 023/2007
roadway TP 024 Road administration system
[PDF, 431 kB] 01.08.2006 TP SSC 02/2000
roadway TP 025 Measurement and evaluation of road pavement roughness by SKIDDOMETER BV11 and PROFILOGRAPH GE device
[PDF, 1,15 MB] 01.01.2007 TP SSC 05/2000
bridges TP 026 Secondary protection of concrete constructions
[PDF, 345 kB] 02.01.2008
bridges TP 027 Concrete bridges reinforcement design
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 104.
[PDF, 417 kB] 15.08.2008 TP 11/2005
planning and design of roads TP 028 Road construction geology engineering survey realization
[PDF, 674 kB] 01.11.2008
technologies TP 029 Devices, ifrastructure and technological equippment system on road network
[PDF, 3,1 MB] 20.11.2008
technologies TP 030 Intelligent traffic systems and traffic technological devices
[PDF, 1,7 MB] 20.11.2008 TP 03/2007
TSV 0602
roadway TP 031 Measurement and evaluation of asphalt roads capacity by FWD KUAB device
[PDF, 813 kB] 01.05.2009 TP 02/2006 + Amendment A
TP SSC 03/2000
roadway TP 032 Quality management of compacted asphalt aggregate
[PDF, 786 kB] 01.12.2016 TP 032: 2009
(TP 02/2009)
roadway TP 033 Design of non-rigid and semi-rigid roads
Amendment No.1
[PDF 2,3MB]
[PDF, 222 kB]
TS 0502 : 2002
planning and design of roads TP 034 Methodology of financial criteria for upper road construction
[PDF, 837 kB] 22.03.2010 TP 034/2010
Environment and surroundings of the road TP 035 Vegetation alterations at land routes
[PDF, 11 MB] 01.05.2010 TP SSC 03/1999
roadway TP 036 Metodology for water sensitivity of asphalt aggregate under STN EN 12697-12
[PDF, 615 kB] 01.06.2010 TP 036/2010
road equipment TP 037 Taffic barrier on land routes. Concrete traffic barrier
[PDF, 0,97 MB] 01.06.2019 TP 037/2010,
TP 02/2004
planning and design of roads TP 038 Basic motorway and express way map. Construction, maintenance and repair
Adjustment setting of configuration files
Dodatok č.1
[PDF, 5,35 MB]
ZIP, 1 MB]
[PDF, 171 kB]
01.11.2016 TP 038: 2010
(TP 07/2010)
TS 0903/2003
Environment and surroundings of the road TP 039 Gritting material on magnesium chloride basis use on land routes
[PDF, 703 kB] 18.08.2010 TP 08/2010
Environment and surroundings of the road TP 040 Používanie posypových materiálov na báze chloridu sodného na pozemných komunikáciách
zrušené, nahradené TP 039/2022
tunnels TP 041 Risk analysis of Slovak road tunnels
[PDF, 1,8 MB] 01.06.2011
roadway TP 042 Asfaltový koberec veľmi tenký
Asphalt topping – very thin canceled and replaced
TKP 6/2017
roadway TP 043 Asphalt mixing hot recycling plants
[PDF, 571 kB] 15.08.2011 TP 17/2006
roadway TP 044 Asphalt mixing recycling on spot with traffic capacity II. - VI.
[PDF, 260 kB] 20.12.2017 TP 044: 2011
(TP 05/2011)
TP 14/2005
roadway TP 045 Drainage asphalt topping
[PDF, 215 kB] 15.08.2011 TP SSC 05/2003
roadway TP 046 Cold processing of non-rigid road on spot layers
[PDF, 218 kB] 20.12.2017 TP 046: 2011
(TP 07/2011)
TP 02/2007
roadway TP 047 Catalogue of basic defects repair technologies
Amendment No.1
[PDF, 1,9 MB]
[PDF, 225 kB]
TP 05/2007
TP 12/2005
planning and design of roads TP 048 Barier removal measures for physically impaired people and people with limited orientation on land routes
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 117.
[PDF, 2,03 MB] 10.06.2019 TP 048/2011
tunnels TP 049 Road tunnels ventilation
[PDF, 482 kB] 10.05.2018 TP 049: 2011
(TP 12/2011)
Environment and surroundings of the road TP 050 Road network environmental impact monitoring toolkit
[PDF, 1,28 MB] 01.12.2011 TP 06/2008
road equipment TP 051 Use, quality and evaluation system of noise barriers
[PDF, 690 kB] 01.12.2011 TP 08/2006
road equipment TP 052 Proposal and evaluation of noise related measures at road network
[PDF, 1 MB] 01.12.2011 TP SSC 09/2002
roadway TP 053 Methodology of measuring and evaluating of road surface conditions by LineScan. Evaluation of road surface conditions by camera system LineScan
[PDF, 2,1 MB] 05.12.2011
planning and design of roads TP 054 Instructions on trafic-engineering documenatation
[PDF, 372 kB] 15.01.2012
roadway TP 055 Georadar use (GPR) for suggestion of road rehabilitation/reconstruction
[PDF, 532 kB] 01.10.2012
roadway TP 056 Measurement and evaluation of road surface irregularities by Profilograph GE
[PDF, 1,3 MB] 15.10.2012 TP SSC 04/2000
roadway TP 057 Methodology for HDM-4 use in conditions in SR
[PDF, 2,83 MB] 02.01.2018 TP 057: 2012
(TP 05/2012)
MP 01/2009
roadway TP 058 Reinforcement of asphalt roads
[PDF, 617 kB] 01.12.2012 TP 01/2004
TP 038/1990
bridges TP 059 Import and operation of bridge diagnostics
Príloha č. 1 Zadávací list diagnostiky
[PDF, 1,4 MB]
[XLSX, 20 kB]
20.12.2012 TP SSC 04/2003
bridges TP 060 Checks, maintenance and repair of road network. Bridges
Dodatok č. 1
[PDF, 443 kB]
[PDF, 579 kB]
20.12.2012 TP 9B/2005
TPR 1/1997
chapter B+Z/2002
bridges TP 061 Catalogue of bridge defects on motorways, express roads, I., II., III. class roads
[PDF, 16 MB] 20.12.2012

TP 04/2007
TP SSC 07/2003
bridges TP 062 Special surfacing of concrete bridge deck under isolation layer. Anchoring impregnation coating and sealing layer.
[PDF, 427 kB] 20.12.2012 TP 12/2006
bridges TP 063 Bridge drainange on road network
[PDF, 2,3 MB] 20.12.2012 TP SSC 02/2003
TP SSC 06/2000
roadway TP 064 Eo-synthetic and similar material use in asphalt road layers
Dodatok č. 1
[PDF, 408 kB]
[PDF, 576 kB]
01.11.2016 TP 064: 2013
(TP 01/2013)
TP 08/2008
TP SSC 06/2003
road equipment TP 065 Shock-absorbers
[PDF, 741 kB] 01.03.2013 TP 03/2005
Environment and surroundings of the road TP 066 Noise burden produced by road network traffic
[PDF, 1,5 MB] 01.03.2013 TP 066/2013
Environment and surroundings of the road TP 067 Wild animals migration objects. Design, construction, maintenance and repair.
[PDF, 2,9 MB] 01.03.2013 TP 02/2012
bridges TP 068 Anti-corrosion protection of steel bride constructions
Dodatok č. 1
[PDF, 696 kB]
[PDF, 164 kB]
15.12.2016 TP 068: 2013
(TP 05/2013)
traffic signs TP 069 Traffic signs and traffic signalisation of road work spots
[PDF, 28 MB] 15.11.2013 TP 02/2010
TP 02/2008
TP 11/2006
TP 07/2005
planning and design of roads TP 070 Outlook intensity on road network forecast for 2040
[PDF, 765 kB] 15.11.2013 MP 01/2008
roadway TP 071 Road network inspection, maintenance and repair. Motorways, express roads and roads
[PDF, 537 kB] 01.12.2013 TP 9A/2005
TPR 1/1997
part A and Z1/2002
roadway TP 072 Motorway and express roads maintenance
[PDF, 779 kB] 01.12.2013 TP SSC 07/2000
roadway TP 073 Cement-concrete surface road defects cataloue
[PDF, 5,1 MB] 15.12.2013
bridges TP 074 Passive safety supporting constructions for road network
[PDF, 467 kB] 15.12.2013
bridges TP 075 Road bridges and gangways register
Príloha č. 1 Mostný zošit
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 104.
[PDF, 1,2 MB]
[XLSX, 172 kB]
15.12.2013 Bridge documentation, 2011
TP 07/2006
bridges TP 076 Road bride monitoring
[PDF, 413 kB] 15.12.2013 TP 076: 2013 repeal chapter 6 Amendments No. 2
TP 059: 2012
(TP 07/2012)
bridges TP 077 Bridge management system
Dodatok č. 1
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 104.
[PDF, 709 kB]
[PDF, 1,5 MB]
15.12.2013 TP 01/2010
planning and design of roads TP 078 Road network layout
[PDF, 5,7 MB] 20.12.2013 TP 03/2004 + Amendments 01-03 and Change 01/2005 k TP 03/2004
roadway TP 079 Additional driving lanes, junctions and transverse road repair proposal and realization
[PDF, 1,5 MB] 15.02.2014 TP 03/2008
tunnels TP 080 Road tunnel safety – Safety documentation
[PDF, 935 kB] 01.03.2014
bridges TP 081 Basic protection measures against stray currents impact on road network bridge objects
[PDF, 1,2 MB] 01.05.2014
tunnels TP 082 Road inspection, maintenance and repair. Tunnel technological equipment
Dodatok č. 1 k TP 082
[PDF, 1,2 MB]
[PDF, 1 MB]
01.08.2014 TP 01/2011
roadway TP 083 Catalogue of asphalt road defects
[PDF, 29 MB] 15.10.2014 TP SSC 02/2002
roadway TP 084 Detailed visual asphalt road inspection evaluation
[PDF, 651 kB] 10.10.2014 TP 13/2006
TP SSC 02/2001
planning and design of roads TP 085 Cyclin infrastructure proposal
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 117.
[PDF, 15 MB] 10.06.2019 TP 085/2014
traffic signs TP 086 Cultural destinations and tourist attractions marking on road network
[PDF, 853 kB] 05.02.2018 TP 086: 2014
(TP 08/2014)
TP 09/2011
TP 01/2008
roadway TP 087 Cement-concrete road dianostics and road condition evaluation
[PDF, 514 kB] 01.05.2015
roadway TP 088 Cement-concrete road rehabilitation proposal
[PDF, 4,2 MB] 01.05.2015
tunnels TP 089 Engineering-technology survey for tunnels
[PDF, 898 kB] 01.05.2015
tunnels TP 090 Tunnel water protection and drainage
[PDF, 449 kB] 01.05.2015
tunnels TP 091 Tunnel concrete coating monitoring
[PDF, 698 kB] 01.07.2015
road equipment TP 092 Basic safety elements for road network operation
[PDF, 1,9 MB] 15.10.2015 TP 092/2015
tunnels TP 093 Central management system and visualisation - tunnels
[PDF, 3,5 MB] 01.11.2015 TP 093/2015
tunnels TP 094 Road tunnel management system
[PDF, 961 kB] 01.11.2015
tunnels TP 095 Road network inspections, maintenance, repair. Tunnels construction
[PDF, 646 kB] 01.11.2015 TP 9C-1/2005
TPR 1/1997
+ Z1/2002
road equipment TP 096 Snow poles use on roads
[PDF, 644 kB] 15.11.2015
roadway TP 097 Methodoloy of asphalt mixtures resistance and permanent deformations diagnostics
[PDF, 284 kB] 01.12.2015 TP 01/2007
roadway TP 098 Cement conctrete road design on road network
[PDF, 2,3 MB] 01.12.2015 TS 0803: 2003
tunnels TP 099 Fire prevention and safety in road tunnels
[PDF, 1,3 MB] 01.12.2011 TP 04/2006
TSV 0401
planning and design of roads TP 100 Turbo-roundabouts design
Amendment No.1
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 117.
[PDF, 6,7 MB]
[PDF, 210 kB]
roadway TP 101 Methodology for alsphalt firmness specification
[PDF, 470 kB] 31.12.2015
planning and design of roads TP 102 Road network capacity calculation
[PDF, 11 MB] 31.12.2015 TP 10/2010
and Correction No.
č. 1/2013
to TP 10/2010
TP 01/2006
planning and design of roads TP 103 Authorisation procedure for transit of exceptional load transport (including selected related duties of the road network administrators and other subjects)
Dodatok č. 1
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 104.
[ZIP, 13 MB]
[PDF, 147 kB]
01.09.2017 TP 103: 2008
(MP 01/2008)
bridges TP 104 Road bridges and gangways capacity
[PDF, 2,6 MB] 01.05.2016 USM 1/2012
road equipment TP 105 Delineator and reflector use
Niektoré články týchto TP nahrádzajú TP 117.
[PDF, 1,1 MB] 01.01.2017 TP 105/2017
traffic signs TP 106 Minimum classification and value specification for retrofeflexive materials with microprismatic technology
[PDF, 282 kB] 01.04.2017
roadway TP 107 Ground mass dianostics and road drainage
[PDF, 257 kB] 02.01.2018
road equipment TP 108 Road network crash barriers. Steel crash barriers
[PDF, 930 kB] 01.06.2019
road equipment TP 109 Road network crash barriers. Temporary crash barriers
[PDF, 247 kB] 01.06.2019
road equipment TP 110 Channelizing devices - barriers
[PDF, 229 kB] 01.06.2019
bridges TP 111 Technoloical documentation, inspections, maintenance and culverts repairs
[PDF, 490 kB] 01.08.2018
roadway TP 112 Rainwater drainage management on land routes and parking spots grounds
[PDF, 951 kB] 07.02.2019
bridges TP 113 Transitional areas of road and bride tunnels
[PDF, 2,5 MB] 07.02.2019

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