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SSC>For general public>Submission of information under the freedom of information act
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Submission of information under the freedom of information act

Submission of information as per the Act No.211/2000 on the Freedom of Information (the Freedom of Information Act) as amended („the Infoact“):

Slovak Road Administration („SSC“):

  • was established by the Instrument Establishing No.316/M-2005 from February 14th 2005 as amended by the Minister of Transport, Post and Telecommunication of SR and acts as an organisation financed by the State budget and directly managed by the Ministry of Transport and development of SR („MDV SR“)
  • possesses the powers and competences under the Statute of SSC issued under No.324/M-2005 from February 15th 2005 as amended by the decission of the Minister of Transport, Post and Telecommunication of SR from May 5th 2006.
  • valid organizational structure.

In compliance with the § 3 of the Infoact SSC submits the information in its possession and disclosure of which it is not expressly ruled out by any other regulations.


Application for disclosure of information, suggestion and complaint may be submitted:

a) in written form at the address: Slovenská správa ciest
Dúbravská cesta 1152/3
841 04 Bratislava

b) in person at the SSC Registry at the address above on working days between 7am – 3pm

c) by phone call: 02/50 255 483 on working days between - 2pm

d) by fax: 02/55 568 268

e) electronically:

Information disclosure on request


  Application requirements

Under the law, the application for the information disclosure must contain:

  • address
  • name, surname of the applicant, or a company name, address and seat of the applicant company,
  • specified required information,
  • suggested way of information disclosure (via email, post, phone…)

In case the application does not possess all the prescribed details, SSC requests the applicant to supply it within 7 working days deadline. If the applicant does not complement the application, the information can not be disclosed and SSC adjourns the application.


Deadline for processing the application

As per §17 of the infoact, SSC proceeds the application within 8 working days from the delivery or after the deficiencies in the application have been remedied as per §14 (2) and (3) and within 15 working days if the information is to be disclosed to a blind person in an appropriate form as per §16 (2) a) unless otherwise provided in an implementing regulation.

For serious reasons SSC can postpone the deadline in maximum 8 working days and maximum 15 days in case a blind person is requesting the information in an appropriate form as per §16 (2) a). SSC must notify the applicant of such postponement of the deadline giving the reasons therefor.

In case SSC does not possess required information and possess the knowledge about the possibility to require such information then SSC shall refer the application to a respective person who obtains required information otherwise the application is refused by decission (§18).


Information disclosure restrictions

In case the information can not be disclosed due to the restrictions under the law ( §8 – 12 of the infoact), SSC refuses the request by decission. All the restrictions to the freedom of information are provided by SSC in a way that SSC discloses required information including accompanying information with the information excluded under the law.

If SSC does not comply with the request in whole, it shall draw up a written decission. The decission is not declared in case the request was postponed for the deficiencies ((§ 14 (3)).

The appeal can be lodged against the information non-disclosure within 15 days from the delivery to SSC as per § 19 (1) and (2) of the Infoact. The appeal is decided by MDVRR SR within 15 working days ((§ 19 (3) of the Infoact). The decission on repealing of the appeal can be investigated in court proceedings under the special code of civil procedure (§ 244).



The information are disclosed free of charge unless fee covering cost for copies, data carrier and posting the information which are subject to the Tariff issued by the Regulation on the Freedom od Information in SSC.

Material cost for information disclosure are paid under generally binding legislation issued by the Ministry of Finance of SR No. 481/2000 specifying the charges for information disclosure.

Cost reimburesement:

  1. via post voucher to the bank account
  2. via bank transfer to SSC bank account IBAN SK70 8180 0000 0070 0013 5353 in the National treasury with variable symbol: 211, message for the addressee: number of the application form the fee is paid for,
  3. cash at the SSC cashier at Miletičova 19, 826 19 Bratislava on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday between 8am – 11am.

SSC charges administration fees as per the amendment to the Act No. 145/1995 on administration fees as amended.


Tariffs for information disclosure



print, copy – size A4 (1 page)


0,06 €


0,08 €


print, copy – size A3 (1 page)

One-sidedly 0,11 €
Two-sidedly 0,13 €

Information disclosure on CD – 1 pc

   0,17 €
4. Information sent via email, fax



Information with the costs under 7 € are disclosed free of charge. Under the law, SSC can remit the charge.

SSC collects the administrative charges and fees as per the Amendment of the Act No.145/1995 on administrative fees as amended.



  • Act No.211/2000 on Freedom of Information Act as amended (the Freedom of Information Act).
  • Act No.122/2013 on Personal Data Protection as amended
  • Act No.382/2011, amending the Act No.211/2000 on the Freedom of Information as amended (the Freedom of Information Act) and its successor Regulation.
  • Act No. 341/2012 amending Act No. 211/2000 on Freedom of Information as amended and amending certain other acts (Act on Freedom of Information) as amended.
  • Government Decree 498/2011 specifying the conditions for contract disclosure in the Central Registry of Contracts.


Updated: 1.6.2023

Published: 27.11.2008



  • Ministerstvo dopravy, výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR
  • Národná diaľničná spoločnosť