Slovak Road Administration is pursuant to § 7 section 1 letter d) of the Act no. 343/2015 Z.z about Public Procurement as amended and supplementing to certain laws or its successor Regulation the public prosecutor and when awarding contracts for the supply of goods, acquisition of works and providing services it is obliged to follow the procedure as per this Act.
Public service contract is awarded by SSC through the departments of public procurement at the SSC GD in Bratislava, regional IVSC in Banská Bystrica, Žilina and Košice. Public procurement is processed in accordance with the internal directive that lays down a single implementing procedure on public contracts for supplementing goods, works and services.
As per the Act no. 343/2015 on public procurement as amended and on amendments to certain laws a contracting authority is obliged to publish this information and documents in VO/O profile as per § 43 section 1 and 2 and thereafter as per § 64 section 1 and § 114 section 6 in central register established under the Public Procurement Bureau.
As per ZVO Slovak Road Administration publishes information and documents as a contracting authority (VO) – SSC registered at the Public Procurement Bureau:
Updated: 4.4.2019
Published: 27.11.2008