Act NR SR No. 278/1993 |
On the management of the state assets as amended
Act No. 523/2004 |
On financial regulation in public administration and on amendment of certain acts as amended
Act No. 135/1961 |
On roads (Road act) as amended
Decree of the Federal Ministry of Transport No. 35/1984
Implementing the Act on roads (Road act)
Act No. 8/2009 |
On road traffic and on amendment of certain acts as amended
Act No. 430/2015
Amending the Act No. 8/2009 on road traffic and on amendment of certain acts as amended and amending the Act of Slovak National Council No. 372/1990 on offences as amended
Decree of the Ministery of Interior SR No. 9/2009
Implementing the Act on road traffic and on amendment of certain acts as amended
Act No. 106/2018 |
On the circulation of vehicles in road traffic and on amendment of certain acts
Act No. 254/1998 |
On public works |
Act No. 260/2007
Amending the Act No.254/1998 on public works
Decree of the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development SR
No. 83/2008
Implementing the Act No. 254/1998 on public works as amended by the Act No. 260/2007
Act No. 343/2015 |
On public procurement and on amendment of certain acts
Act No. 345/2018 |
Implementing the Act No.343/2015 on public procurement and on amendment of certain acts as amended and amending certain acts
Act No. 488/2013 |
On motorway vignette and on amendment of certain acts
Decree of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development SR No 19/2016
Implementing certain provisions of the Act No.488/2013 on motorway vignette and amendment to certain acts
Act No. 474/2013 |
On toll collection for specified road sections and on amendment of certain acts
Act No. 249/2011 |
On safety management of road network and on amendment of certain acts
Act No. 133/2013 |
On construction products and on amendment of certain acts as amended by No. 91/2016
Decree of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development SR No. 162/2013
Implementing a list of construction products and parameter assessment systems as amended by Decree No. 177/2016
European Parliament and EU Council Regulation No. 305/2011
from 9th March 2011
Implementing harmonized conditions for marketing of construction products and repealing Council Directive 89/106/EHS,U. V. EU L 88, 4. 4. 201, p. 5
Act No. 60/2018
On technical standardization
Act No. 55/2018 |
On providing information on technical regulation and on obstacles to the free movement of goods
Act No. 56/2018 |
On product conformity assessment, making product available on the market and on amendment of certain acts
Act No. 18/2018
On personal data protection and on amendment of certain acts