Official measurement of maximum weight and dimensions of road vehicles and vehicle combinations, technological requirements related to weights and dimensions and marking as per decree-law of SR no. 349/2009 from 8.July 2009 is provided by SSC at the I. class road network under its administration.
Vehicle measurement is provided as per Act § 8 b No. 135/1961 on land routes (land route act) as amended.
Purpose of the inspection:
to avoid excessive wear of road network that has a negative impact on its lifetime and operability
to avoid ovrburdening of vehicles,
to ensure normal, exclusive and exceptional overburdening of bridges with lower capacity (traffic signs B 25 and B 26),
to ensure respecting of the Regulation that lays down the conditions on land routes regarding traffic safety
The measurements are provided:
• certificate 1 [PDF, 1,1 MB]
• certificate 2 [PDF, 1,1 MB]
• certificate 3 [PDF, 1,1 MB]
• certificate 4 [PDF, 1,1 MB]
- By built-in scales in locations:
• Krajná Poľana – certificate [PDF, 1,1 MB]
• Plešivec – certificate [PDF, 1,3 MB]
• Mníchova Lehota – certificate [PDF, 783 kB]
• Dvory nad Žitavou – certificate [PDF, 800 kB]
• Bučany – certificate [PDF, 792 kB]
• Pôtor – certificate [PDF, 365 kB]
• Ďulov Dvor – certificate [PDF, 802 kB]
• Uľanka – certificate [PDF, 366 kB]
These weighing stations measure in interaction with selective scales built in road pavement which are able to chceck the weight of all transiting vehicles.
By portable axial scale at selected control stations on roads under SSC administration in the inland Slovak republic in cooperation with the Slovak Police Force and the Toll Police.
• certificates [PDF, 17 MB]
(scales are the property of authorized subjects)
Updated: 27.11.2020
Published: 19.3.2019