Preparation and realization of the land routes construction
The front-end and project documentation of construction work is an essential part of the whole investment process deciding on the localization of the construction work, its technological quality, environmental impact, investment and operation cost and the overall economic efficiency.
Slovak road administration issued an internal technological regulation „Directive on land route construction documentation“ in 1999 which defines the road construction documentation classification and the content of annexes. The last amendment to this direction was made in January 2007 (TP 019).
As per above mentioned Directive the basic subdivision of the road construction communications is as follows:
Road preparation and construction is a longterm process in which each stage must be in accordance with the legislation in force. The basic condition of the investment are various types of technological documentation, especially technical studies, site permit documentation and construction permit documentation.
The first stage of the road preparation is the route selection and stabilisation which is extremely demanding process as line constructions cross vast areas where many contradicting interests meet. The result is always a compromise.
In 1994 the Act No.127/1994 came into effect on environmental assessment (EIA process amended by the Act No.24/2006) one of the core principles into investment law. Process EIA is applied to the I. and II. class roads.
The construction of road infrastructure is going to be financed from the EU funds and foreign bank loans. The World Bank and EU funds have detailed rules for all requirements a loan or contribution applicant must ensure: technological and economic data, environmental assessment. So far elaborated SSC processes on environmental assessment and realized EIA processes comply with required legislation.
The public information in appropriate way is crucial for any investment process. However, the decision making depends on expert documents, statements, assessments etc.
A post-project analysis, e.g. monitoring of the environmental assessment is required by EIA. The process starts before, during and after the construction. The level of noise, the state of air pollution is measured, surface water and groundwater, geology, seismic monitoring etc.
Updated: 10.1.2017
Published: 27.11.2008