Selective weight-in by built-in scales:
Built-in scales in pavement weigh the vehicle/vehicle combinations (axle pressure, maximum weight). The scales are dynamic – the vehicle is weighed whilst in motion without speed limitation. The overburdened
vehicle is diverted by traffic signs to a special area where the official weigh-in is assisted by the Police on the stable dynamic scales of better accuracy class. If the overburden is proved, the following steps are taken.
Measurement by portable axial scale:
The members by the Slovak Police Force:
stop vehicles, guide vehicles to measuring station,
request documents obligatory for vehicle control and manoeuvring and for passenger transport and cargo,
perform other tasks related to the policeman supervising traffic safety and fluidity as per the Act 8/2009 on road traffic as amended.
Scale operators:
are marked by sleeve stripe or label asigned with „Vehicle measurement“ and upon request they identify themselves by „Weigh-in certificate“ issued as per the Act No.142/2000 on metrology,
upon driver‘s request are obliged to prove valid certificate of scales corectness,
provide scales maintenance and operation, guide vehicles to the scales and ensure weight-in measurement,
provide vehicle measurement documentation and provide announcements on overburdened and oversized transportation on required forms and by required procedures,
upon driver’s request are obliged to repeat the measurement and the document considered valid is the one in favor of the carrier,
organizes and coordinates measurement process,
ensures measurement conditions,
all exceeded authorized limits based on official measurements announces and forwards related documentation to the respective road administration department in whose region the unauthorized transport was detected.
Road administration authority:
Updated: 27.1.2011
Published: 15.2.2010