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SSC>Activities>Road network development>Bridge management>Workshops, trainings, professional events>Professional trainings of workers delegated to major and exceptional bridge revision
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Professional trainings of workers delegated to major and exceptional bridge revision

Slovak Road Administration provides bridge management system development (SHM), ensures SHM software functionality and development, creates unified methodology for bridge object revision on road network within maintenance and methodological organization of SHM and provides its use by all owners and authorized administrators of land routes, methodically conducts organizes common and major revisions and bridge diagnostics.

Administrators at the workshops and trainings obtain uptodate information on latest regulation, duties related to the land routes administration focused on bridge inspection and register keeping. Bridge management workshops used to be organized together with road management workshops. In recent years, the road and bridge management is included to the workshops for road databank administrators.


Updated: 24.11.2016

Published: 6.10.2016



  • Ministerstvo dopravy, výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR
  • Národná diaľničná spoločnosť