National results are census:
Number of vehicles as annual average per 24 hours (RPDI)
Composition: light goods vehicles with a maximum authorised weight of up to 3.5 tonnes, medium goods vehicles with a maximum authorised weight of up to 10 tonnes, heavy goods vehicles with a maximu mauthorised weight over 10 tonnes, trailers, heavy trailers, semitrailers, busses, bus trailers, tractors, tractor trailers, heavy vehicles, passenger vehilces, vans, two-wheeled vehicles. total number of vehicles, traffic type indicators, average intesity of cycling.
Data in numeric subdivision processed in table format SaÚ:
Graphic part of the census:
General map of the real number of vehicles (cartogram) in M = 1 : 200.000 of respective region (Western Slovakia, Central Slovakia, Eastern Slovakia)
General map of the real number of vehicles in urbanized areas of selected towns in M = 1 : 25.000. Bratislava Capital in M = 1 : 50.000.
Standard analysis CSD 2000 in SR for EHK/OSN, Information for UN/ECE Secretary for reference year 2000 based on strandardized methodology for international E routes analysis in SR. Report with respective results CSD 2000 in tables and graphs.
Traffic intensity on i. Class roads in 2000
Updated: 16.5.2016
Published: 27.11.2008